IIEP Hub of Networks and Communities of Practice

Global collaboration and knowledge building for transformative educational planning

Why join

Build knowledge between peers or contribute to the advancement of the Education 2030 Agenda.

Keep up-to-date of best practices, research, and resources related to educational policy formulation and strategic planning and management.

Connect with worldwide members in your/other region or area of expertise to expand your network and share valuable insights.

Networks and communities

Network of Specialists in Education Policy of Latin America

The Network of Specialists in Education Policy of Latin America is a space that brings together professionals involved in the design, implementation, and analysis of educational policies in the region. The purpose of this community is to promote collaboration, dialogue and the exchange of knowledge to facilitate the construction of fairer and more equitable education systems.

Community of Practice of Education and Technology

The Community of Specialists in Education and Technology is an initiative of the UNESCO IIEP Office for Latin America and the Caribbean, aimed at disseminating and promoting the exchange of knowledge on the planning and management of digital technologies in education.

Community of Practice of Data for Educational Planning

The Community of Specialists in Data for Educational Planning is a joint initiative of UNESCO Santiago and the UNESCO IIEP, Office for Latin America and the Caribbean, with the purpose of disseminating and promoting the exchange of knowledge regarding the production and use of educational data through workshops, webinars, digital resources, and virtual discussion forums.

Community of Practice in Gender Transformative Education

The Community of Practice in Gender Transformative Education (CPGTE) is an initiative by IIEP-UNESCO that aims to enhance gender-transformative education. It achieves this through knowledge sharing, resource exchange, and collaborative practices. The CPGTE serves as a meeting space for education professionals and relevant bodies committed to gender equality.